ARCHI is an indoor self-constructing playground for the kid to satisfy his desire for movement and making things. The playground is modular and easy to assemble and separated by the kid. players can build furniture, toys, and areas with ARCHI as simply as arranging pillows on the ground. Besides, ARCHI can be a bridge that links the kid with their old toys and the whole environment that he has already familiar with. This product can be used as a base or media, that can help kids to explore their home in a new way and involve their old toys in this new play environment they build by themselves and create new stories.
Compared with normal toys, the “ARCHI” allows kids to build their own playground at home and create stories in their imagination based on it. it tries to enhance the physical connection between themselves and the house they are living in and helps them to see things from different perspectives through separating and assembling.
product design, Child Culture Design
Designed by
This child has many different types of toys and the one he often plays with over and over again is the modular building game
This child is very energetic and uses cushions to build all sorts of 'rides' for himself indoors.
10:1 models were made to test the basic structure and colour scheme.
1:1 models were made to test real structure and using scenarios
play test
in the forest